Indigo Project

 PROJECT TITLE: Indigo Project Event Experiences 

This research project investigates people’s experiences of Indigo Project events and activities (e.g., Listen Up, Death Meditation, etc.). The study has been conducted by Dr Amanda Krause, Ms Rachel McClymont, Dr Dan Miller (James Cook University), and Dr Petra Skeffington (Murdoch University). This study contributed to Rachel McClymont’s project as part of her Masters of Clinical Psychology. This study was approved by the James Cook University Human Research Ethics Committee (ID H#8601). If you have any questions about the study, please contact Dr Krause. 

Principal Investigator
Dr Amanda Krause
College: Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University

Ms Rachel McClymont
College: Healthcare Sciences
James Cook University
Phone: +61 (07) 4781 5159

Dr Daniel Miller
College: Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University

Dr Petra Skeffington
College of Science, Health, Engineering, and Education
Murdoch University

Project finding summaries are posted here on this project webpage, when available.

Thus far, we have presented preliminary findings at academic conferences. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.

[2] McClymont, R., & Krause, A. E. (2022, September 08). Investigating the impact of attending music-focused mental health events on future help seeking. Paper presented at SysMus'22. Ghent, Belgium [via Zoom].

[1] McClymont, R., & Krause, A. E. (2022, September 28). Music-focussed, mental health events and mental health help-seeking. Paper presented at the 2022 Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) conference. Virtual. {YouTube recording}

We conducted a previous study on the Indigo Project's Listen Up experience. You can find the publication via the details below and watch this short recap video:

[1] Krause, A. E., Pardon, M., Hoang, M., & Lucano, R. (2024). Listen Up: A case study examination of focused listening. Musicae Scientiae, 28(2), 254-272.